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Best Practices To Follow When Setting Up Your Dental AdWords Campaign

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Running a dental practice today requires room in the budget for more than just routine expenses such as salaries and supplies, etc. It is also essential to undergo periodic promotional campaigns for your practice. Word-of-mouth is often not enough to keep your business running at optimal output levels.

One of the great ways to promote your dental practice is online advertising. Of course, having a social media presence is also considered a form of ad posting. But the real traction lies in paid forms of advertising. Of the many types of paid advertising out there, we will look at Google Ads for dentists

For simplicity, Google Ad Words are the ads that appear before the search results on Google. They are denoted by a small icon next to them that says , short for advertisement. Other than that small icon, they are sometimes hard to pick from the actual search results on the page.

This guide from DentalRevu will introduce you to Google AdWords and how to use them specifically for dental advertising.

Google AdWords is one of the most potent forms of online advertising. Due to the supremacy of Google as a search engine of choice for internet users worldwide, there is a higher reach in Google AdWords than even the most prominent social media platforms can provide.

Beyond search engines, Google AdWords also run on other Google properties such as Gmail and under Youtube search results. That is why the combination of this advertising is unparalleled in its influence. You can buy ads on multiple platforms or on the search engine alone as an advertiser.